The waters of The Coral Triangle are almost 1.6 billion acres that inhabit the world’s largest diversity of coral, fish, crustacean, mollusk, and marine plants and animals in the world. Unfortunately, like most delicate habitats, The Coral Triangle is now at risk due to unsustainable fishing, poorly planned development, pollution, a growing population and the effects of climate change.
I met a guy while here in Bali, who is establishing a media platform (The Coral Triangle Communications Platform) that will hopefully create awareness to an irreversible damaging environmental catastrophe. He is looking for someone to creatively and effectively edit and maintain the CTCP to which will intern motivate the public to protect one of the world’s richest bio-diverse areas.
Email me at for an outline of the project and the terms of reference for an editor. Since social media is the easiest way to project ideas and dilemmas, I’m asking for any possible candidate references you might have. Thanks for all the unwavering support from my friends and family.
Visit their website at for more information on the issue.